Akabane Bussan Christmas and New Year Holiday best sellers are best bought here on our Online Shop | Order anytime, anywhere
Good Vita Coconut Milk (Gata) 400ml
Good Vita Coconut Milk or Gata 400ml is a key ingredient in many Asian and tropical dishes. Best price here in Akabane Bussan
¥190¥215Good Vita Coconut Milk (Gata) 400ml
¥190¥215 -
Best Seller
Mekeni Picnic Hotdog 500g
Mekeni Picnic Hotdog is a popular Filipino snack and you can order the best price here in Akabane Bussan
¥950 -
Chef’s Choice Coconut Meat in Syrup 415g
Chef’s Choice Coconut Meat in Syrup is a canned or jarred product that typically contains slices or chunks of young coconut meat
¥430 -
Angel Kremdensada (Condensed Milk) 410ml
Angel Kremdensada! Sweet thickened creamer. Akabane Bussan Recommended for Desserts fruit salad, macaroni salad etc.
¥415 -
Best Seller
Angel Evaporated Filled Milk 410ml
Angel Evaporated Filled Milk best price here in Akabane Bussan. Good for Sopas, Halo2x, leche flan etc.
¥315 -
Nestle Carnation Condensed Milk 384g
Made with real milk and sugar to add a creamy sweetness to desserts and baked goods. Perfect for desserts like fruit salad, Pinoy-style sweet macaroni salad, etc.
¥290 -
Sago Color Mix (L) 100g
Sago is an edible starch that is made from the pith of an array of tropical palm trees. Commonly used as a thickener, for baking, and making desserts in the Philippines, it is treated as a good energy source, regulates blood pressure, improves digestion, etc.